Thursday, February 15, 2024

Celebrity : 21 Quotes by Aesop's fables

Famous Authors : 21 Quotes by Aesop's fables

Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin.
- Aesop -

Aesop's fables, often referred to as Aesop's quotes, are known for their concise storytelling and moral lessons. They often depict animals or objects behaving like humans, making it easy for readers to relate. These fables address timeless themes like morality and human nature, making them universally appealing. Their enduring popularity stems from their ability to entertain, educate, and inspire with their wisdom and moral teachings.

  • United we stand, divided we fall. - Aesop -

  • If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all. - Aesop -

  • Being a good example teaches others to be good. - Aesop -

  • A person’s true nature will reveal itself despite disguise. - Aesop -

  • Once a wolf, always a wolf. - Aesop -

  • Beware of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. - Aesop -

  • Don’t cry over spilt milk. - Aesop -

  • Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.  - Aesop -

  • You can fool people some of the time, but you can’t fool them all of the time. - Aesop -

  • Better to starve free than be a fat slave. - Aesop -

  • A fair-minded man tries to see both sides of an argument. - Aesop -

  • Every truth has two sides; it is as well to look at both, before we commit ourselves to either. - Aesop -

  • We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. - Aesop -

  • An oak and a reed were arguing about their strength. When a strong wind came up, the reed avoided being uprooted by bending and leaning with the gusts of wind. But the oak stood firm and was torn up by the roots. - Aesop -

  • Betray a friend, and you’ll often find you have ruined yourself. - Aesop -

  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. - Aesop -

  • Evil companions bring more hurt than profit. - Aesop -

  • Those who seek to please everybody please nobody. - Aesop -

  • The hero is brave in deeds as well as words. - Aesop -

  • The gods help them who help themselves. - Aesop -

Motivational English Quotes To Inspire You.
#Aesop #fables #moral

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