Monday, May 27, 2024

Logan's Quotes: Inspiring Quotes from a Man Who Never Gave Up

Ahead of Hugh Jackman's epic return as Wolverine in 'Deadpool 3' this summer, let's revisit some of the most memorable lines from the iconic character's cinematic appearances.

⊙ Quote of the Day: Ending Violence

Logan's Quotes: Inspiring Quotes from a Man Who Never Gave Up

There's no going back.

Now, you run on home to your mother and tell her, tell her everything's alright, and there aren't any more guns in the valley.

- Laura(X-23) in Logan & Shane -

This is a line of dialogue first quoted in the classic western film Shane (1953), and then again in Logan (2017), a film in the X-Men series. In the film Shane, the protagonist Shane confronts the villainous character Wilson and defeats him in a duel. But in the process, Shane himself is injured. The full line is: “There's no living with a killing. There's no going back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand. A brand sticks. There's no going back. Now you run on home to your mother and tell her, tell her everything's alright, and there aren't any more guns in the valley." This reflects the idea that once violence is committed, its effects are irreversible.

In the film Logan, this is the last line spoken by Laura (X-23), a mutant born with the same genes as Wolverine. When Laura says ‘Daddy’ to a dying Wolverine, it's probably the line that brought the most tears to my eyes, along with Logan's “So...this is what it feels like." Hugh Jackman has played Wolverine in many X-Men films for almost 20 years, and Logan is his last X-Men film. The film tells the story of Logan and Charles helping Laura, who turns out to be a daughter born with Logan's genes, and other mutant children escape. It was a touching end to the action-oriented X-Men franchise.

I thought we'd seen the last of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, but he's back in Deadpool 3 (Deadpool and Wolverine) this summer, and I can't wait to see what Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have in store for us this time around.

Logan's Quotes: Inspiring Quotes from a Man Who Never Gave Up

⊙ Logan: Memorable and Inspirational Quotes

  • Don't Be What They Made You. - Logan(Wolverine) 

  • So...this is what it feels like. - Logan(Wolverine) 

  • Take Your Friends, And Run. Run. They'll Keep Coming And Coming. Listen, You Don't Have To Fight Anymore. Go, Go. Don't Be What They Made You. Laura, Laura. So, This Is What It Feels Like. - Logan(Wolverine) 

  • Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long. - Logan(Wolverine) 

  • You always thought we were part of God's plan. But maybe... Maybe we were God's mistake. - Logan(Wolverine) 

  • Two days on the road, only one meal, and hardly any sleep. She's 11, I'm fucking 90. - Charles Xavier(Professor X) in Logan

  • I Wish I Could Say You Were A Good Pupil But The Words Would Choke Me.  - Charles Xavier(Professor X) in Logan

  • If You Are Watching This, It Means That I Am Dead. I Am Not Sure If Any Other Children Survived. We Were Separated. There's No More Money. That Was A Lie. She's Not My Child, But I Love Her. You May Not Love Her, But She Is Your Child. Please, I Beg You, Take Her To Safety. - Gabriela in Logan

  • You know, Logan... this is what life looks like. A home, people who love each other. Safe place. You should take a moment and feel it. - Charles Xavier(Professor X) in Logan

  • You know, Logan...This was, without a doubt, the most perfect night I've had in a very long time. And I don't deserve it, do I? I did s-- something...Something unspeakable. I've remembered what happened in Westchester. This is not the first time I've hurt people. Until today, I didn't know. You wouldn't tell me. So we just...kept on running away from...I think I finally understand you. - Charles Xavier(Professor X) in Logan

  • When I Found You, You Were Pursuing A Career As A Cage Fighter. A Warm Capper To A Life As An Assassin. Hooked On Barbiturates. You Were An Animal. But We Took You In. I Gave You A Family. - Charles Xavier(Professor X) in Logan

Motivational Quotes To Inspire You.

#Wolverine #Hugh Jackman #Deadpool 3 #X-Men #Wolverine and Deadpool #Superhero

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