Sunday, June 23, 2024

Leadership Quotes from the Leaders Who Won the Korean War - Part 1

The Korean War began on June 25, 1950, with the invasion of South Korea by the North Korean Communist Party under Operation Storm. It was a major war since World War II, involving United Nations (UN) forces, led by the United States, as well as the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the Soviet Union (USSR). Fought between the Second World War and the Vietnam War, the Korean War is often referred to as "The Forgotten War" or "The Unknown War" due to its lack of recognition by younger generations. The conflict resulted in an estimated 2 to 2.5 million deaths on both sides, mostly civilians (around 80 percent), and including roughly 200,000 to 500,000 combat casualties. Over 100,000 UN and US soldiers bravely sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Korea. We thank all UN and US servicemen and women for their sacrifice for the Republic of Korea.

⊙ General MacArthur's Determination Quotes from the Korean War

General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) was a prominent American military leader who significantly impacted both World War II and the Korean War. During World War II, he commanded Allied forces in the Pacific theater. In the Korean War, he served as the United Nations commander. The September 15, 1950, Incheon Landing, a daring operation spearheaded by MacArthur, marked a turning point in the Korean War. He is credited with demonstrating exceptional determination in his efforts to win the war.

Leadership Quotes from the Leaders Who Won the Korean War - Part 1

  • We win here or lose everywhere; if we win here, we improve the chances of winning everywhere. - Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Korea

  • I realize that Inchon is a 500-to-1 gamble, but I am used to taking such odds. We shall land at Inchon and I shall crush them. - Gen. Douglas MacArthur : Operation Chromite began on 15 September 1950 and ended on 19 September

  • I will defend Korea as I would my own country-just as I would California. - Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Korea

  • The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and to the left of us. They can't get away this time! - Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Korea

⊙ General Walker's valour and leadership in the Korean War

General Walton Walker (1889-1950) was a United States Army general who played a major role in World War II and the Korean War, particularly in the early stages of the Korean War. He commanded UN forces and led significant defensive campaigns.

When the Korean War erupted, General Walker commanded the Eighth Army, tasked with halting the North Korean advance and defending South Korea. Throughout the summer of 1950, relentless North Korean offensives forced UN and South Korean forces to retreat towards the Pusan Perimeter. General Walker's unwavering determination to defend this critical line is embodied by his famous order, "Stand or Die." The successful resistance at the Nakdong River defenses proved pivotal, paving the way for the successful Incheon landings and ultimately preventing the communization of Korea.

Leadership Quotes from the Leaders Who Won the Korean War - Part 1

  • Stand or Die. - Gen. Walton Walker in Korea 

  • All my life, I've been a soldier and nothing else. - Gen. Walton H. Walker

  • We must trade time for space, hold the high ground as long as possible. Defend in depth. Keep a reserve. Watch your flanks. Protect your artillery. Maintain communications as all costs. Don't get decisively engaged. - Gen. Walton Walker in Korea

  • We are fighting a battle against time. There will be no more retreating, withdrawal or readjustment of the lines or any other term you choose. There is no line behind us to which we can retreat.…There will be no Dunkirk, there will be no Bataan. A retreat to Pusan would be one of the greatest butcheries in history. We must fight until the end.…We will fight as a team. If some of us must die, we will die fighting together.…I want everybody to understand we are going to hold this line. We are going to win. - Gen. Walton Walker in Korea

⊙ General Van Fleet Loved Korea: Korean War Quotes

General James Alward Van Fleet (1892-1992) was a distinguished United States Army general who served with distinction in both World War II and the Korean War. In April 1951, he assumed command of the Eighth Army from General Matthew Ridgway. General Van Fleet proved instrumental in bolstering UN defenses against a major offensive by the Chinese Communist forces.  He also played a key role in strengthening the South Korean Army, notably through his contributions to the establishment and development of the South Korean Military Academy.

General Van Fleet developed a deep affection for South Korea, even referring to it as his "second home."  However, the statue that once stood in his honor in front of the Korean Military Academy library now faces away from the street, a lonely testament to a complex legacy.

Leadership Quotes from the Leaders Who Won the Korean War - Part 1

  • "You are fighting to stop armed aggression and maintain peace not only in Korea but in your respective homelands. This renewed battle is for the preservation of life, liberty and the right to the pursuit of happiness of all free men. These are fundamental in the rights of man – the rock upon which our civilization is founded – and they are the first rights which communism denies its own people. The time has come when all men of the free and decent world must steel their souls to face the desperate, bitter and uncompromising battle with armed Communist aggression. Our strength rests on the solid foundation of belief in God and the rights of man rather than on the will of dictators, imposed through cruelty and complete disregard of human rights." - Gen. James Van Fleet in korea

  • In battle, the team is the team, and each member has his job to do. - Gen. James Van Fleet in korea

  • We must give our fullest measure of devotion to our cause. - Gen. James Van Fleet in korea

  • The outcome of this battle will affect the future of mankind. - Gen. James Van Fleet in korea

Additional resources:

The Courage of Sacrifice: Inspiring Quotes for Memorial Day and Beyond

Remembering the Sacrifice: Memorial Day Tribute to Fallen Heroes

Freedom's Price: Quotes Reflecting on Sacrifice and Service

Never Forgotten: Quotes Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

A Commitment to Duty and Unity, Harold G. Moore's Leadership in 'We Were Soldiers

22 Quotes about Soldiers & Army

Motivational Quotes To Inspire You.

#Korean War #General MacArthur #General Walker #General Van Fleet #Incheon Landing #Pusan Perimeter #United Nations forces #Korean Military Academy #North Korean invasion #Chinese Communist offensive #Leadership #Leader

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