Thursday, July 4, 2024

Quotes About the Power of Brotherhood and Comradeship

Quotes highlighting the power of brotherhood and comradeship from Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Fury, and other notable films.

⊙ Quote of the day: BAND OF BROTHERS

Quotes About the Power of Brotherhood and Comradeship

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world, 

But we in it shall be remembered-

We few, we happy few, We band of brothers.

- BAND OF BROTHERS : Shakespeare's Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3 -

There are so many great quotes about comradeship in Band of Brothers, but one that stands out is from Shakespeare's play Henry V, Act 4, Scene 3, quoted by Sergeant Lipton (Clifford Carwood "Lip" Lipton). When King Henry V addresses the English soldiers before the Battle of Agincourt, he reminds them of their bravery and brotherhood and urges them to fight valiantly for king and country. Henry V tells the soldiers that their actions will be remembered for centuries to come, and that they will be forever linked by their shared experience. 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers' is a key phrase in the speech, implying that although there are only a few soldiers, they are happy to be fighting and consider each other brothers. This emphasizes the importance of comradeship and solidarity.

⊙ Quotes About the Power of Brotherhood and Comradeship

Throughout history and fiction, the bonds formed in the crucible of shared trials and combat have been celebrated and remembered. These quotes from Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, Fury, and other notable films encapsulate the essence of brotherhood and comradeship, reminding us of the strength and solidarity that arise in times of great challenge.

  • "Henry the Fifth was talking to his men and he said from this day to the ending of the world we and it shall be remembered. We lucky few, we band of brothers, for he who sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother." - C. Carwood Lipton, Band of Brothers

  • "Point is, it don’t matter where we go. Once we get into combat, the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you." - William J. Guarnere, Band of Brothers

  • "Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace." - A German general’s speech, Band of Brothers

  • "They also found in combat the closest brotherhood they ever knew. They found selflessness. They found they could love the other guy in their foxhole more than themselves. They found that in war, men who loved life would give their lives for them." - BAND OF BROTHERS

  • "Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?" : "No, but I served in a company of heroes." - Band of Brothers

  • "We stand alone together." - Band of Brothers Documentary

  • "Best job I ever had!" - Wardaddy, Fury

  • "This ain't pretty, but it's what we do." - Wardaddy, Fury

  • "Earn this." - Captain John H. Miller, Saving Private Ryan

  • "We are here to help the Vietnamese because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out." - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket

  • "We're a team. We win together, we lose together." - Coach Herb Brooks, Miracle

  • "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind." - Lilo, Lilo & Stitch

Additional resources:

Leadership and Valor in Band of Brothers

Beyond Heroism: The Power of Camaraderie in 'Band of Brothers'

22 Quotes about Soldiers & Army

Insights on War and Peace: Moshe Dayan's Quotes

Leadership Quotes from the Victors of the Korean War

The Courage of Sacrifice: Inspiring Quotes for Memorial Day and Beyond

Motivational Quotes To Inspire You.

#Brotherhood #Comradeship #Band of Brothers #Saving Private Ryan #War #Loyalty #Solidarity #Fury #Courage #Sacrifice #Soldier

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