Sunday, June 16, 2024

Embracing Our Marks: A Lesson from 'Wonder'

"Wonder" film's mom uses a map metaphor for facial marks - scars & wrinkles. They show where we've been & where we're going, not flaws, but a unique story. Uplifting message for those struggling with appearance.

⊙ Quote of the Day: The Map on Our Faces

Embracing Our Marks: A Lesson from 'Wonder'

We all have marks on our face.

This is the map that shows us where we’re going.

And this is the map that shows us where we’ve been.

It's never, ever ugly.

- Wonder -

This line is spoken by a mother (Julia Roberts) to give confidence to the main character, August, who is afraid to go to school, in the American drama film based on the novel ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. It suggests that a person’s life can be seen on their face, implying that the marks on our faces—scars, wrinkles, etc.—are the traces of the time we have lived and that they are a ‘map’ showing us where we are going. The message is that these marks are never ugly but rather an important part of who we are, shaping our lives. This message is especially important for a character like August, who struggles a lot with his appearance but ultimately develops a positive outlook on who he is and the value he has. This quote expresses that positive outlook and is both encouraging and uplifting.

⊙ Wonder (film)

Wonder is a 2017 American drama film based on the 2012 novel of the same name by R.J. Palacio. The film tells the story of Auggie Pullman, a 10-year-old boy with Treacher Collins syndrome, who is attending school for the first time after being homeschooled. Auggie faces challenges as he tries to fit in with his classmates and deal with their reactions to his facial differences. However, he is also supported by his loving family and friends, and he eventually learns to embrace his individuality.

Wonder has had a significant impact on audiences around the world. It has helped to raise awareness of Treacher Collins syndrome and other facial differences, and it has inspired many people to embrace their own individuality. The film Wonder continues to inspire audiences to embrace their own uniqueness and promote kindness in the world.

Additional resources:

"You Are a Wonder": A Message of Self-Acceptance in Wonder

15 Quotes on Cherishing & Loving Children - Part 1

15 Quotes on Cherishing & Loving Children - Part 2

Inspirational 15 Quotes of Self-Love, Self-Awareness, and Personal Growth

Quote of the Day : Self-acceptance - SpongeBob SquarePants

Motivational Quotes To Inspire You.

#Acceptance #Courage #Empathy #Individuality #Kindness #Motherhood #Self-love #Wonder #Julia Roberts #Confidence #Marks

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