Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Wisdom of Sir John Templeton: Quotes on Success, Life, and Self-Improvement

Enjoy the best inspirational, motivational, positive, funny, and famous quotes by Sir John Templeton, the greatest investor of the 20th century.

⊙ Quote of the Day: There’s no free lunch.

The Wisdom of Sir John Templeton: Quotes on Success, Life, and Self-Improvement

There’s no free lunch.

- Sir. John Templeton -

Sir John Templeton (1912-2008) was a British investor born in Winchester, Tennessee, USA. A graduate magna cum laude from Yale University, he went on to win a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study economics at Oxford University in England.

Templeton's talent for spotting undervalued stocks caught Wall Street's attention by the young age of 25. In 1954, he founded the investment firm Templeton Growth. By 1999, the business magazine Money had already dubbed him "the greatest investor of the 20th century."  Knighted in 1987, Sir John Templeton was also the author of the book Discovering the Laws of Life.

Sir John Templeton's quotes span a wide range of topics, with a focus on self-improvement, humility, facing challenges, achieving success, balancing security with freedom, and faith. These insightful words highlight the values and principles essential for a fulfilling and successful life. Templeton's quotes emphasize the importance of self-improvement and helping others, the value of hard work and perseverance, and his unique perspective on living a meaningful life. We hope you find these Sir John Templeton quotes encouraging and helpful on your own journey.

⊙ The Wisdom of Sir John Templeton: Quotes on Success, Life, and Self-Improvement

  • If we become increasingly humble about how little we know, we may be more eager to search. - Sir. John Templeton

  • I have learned that the great opportunities are the places that have been neglected, where other people are not looking. - Sir. John Templeton

  • Diversification is a safety factor that is essential because we should be humble enough to admit we can be wrong. - Sir. John Templeton

  • Help yourself by helping others. - Sir. John Templeton

  • Self-improvement comes mainly from trying to help others. - Sir John Templeton

  • Defer pleasure until the job is done. - Sir John Templeton

  • Success consists of a series of little daily victories. - Sir. John Templeton

  • The correct description is that we try every day to become more humble when we talk about divinity, we try to realize how little we know and how open minded we should be. - Sir. John Templeton

  • If you are not egotistical, you will welcome the opportunity to learn more. - Sir. John Templeton

  • Success-bound people learn early in their careers to avoid the mañana habit. They do today whatever can possibly be done today and try not to put off anything until tomorrow. Tomorrow, after all, can mean next week, or next month, or perhaps never. Successful people always squeeze all that they can into today’s schedule, knowing that tomorrow will be equally full of new deadlines and challenges. - Sir John Templeton

  • Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. - Sir. John Templeton

  • In Matthew 7:7–8, Jesus says, "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." - Sir. John Templeton.

Additional resources:

10 Timeless Wisdom Quotes for Successful Investing

Inspirational 15 Quotes of Self-Love, Self-Awareness, and Personal Growth

David Goggins 10 Quotes about Hard Work

Grow by Learning from Mistakes - 'The Last Word'

22 Quotes by Zig Ziglar

10 Quotes of Overcoming and Hope from 'Demon Slayer'

Motivational Quotes To Inspire You.

#inspiration #motivation #faith #investment #life lessons #Success #Life #Self-improvement #Humility #Opportunity #Perseverance #Security #Freedom

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